Index Term Policy No.
"CAFETERIA" SECTION 125 MEDICAL EXPENSE PLAN see "Cafeteria" Section 125 Medical Expense Plan 380
401(K) SAVINGS PLAN see 401(k) Savings Plan 320
ABSENTEEISM see Attendance and Punctuality 704
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM see Employee Acknowledgement Form 051
ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY see Military Leave 605
ADA see Equal Employment Opportunity 103
ADA see Disability Accommodation 114
ADMINISTRATIVE PAY CORRECTIONS see Administrative Pay Corrections 409
ADVANCES see Pay Advances 408
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION see Equal Employment Opportunity 103
ALCOHOL ABUSE see Drug and Alcohol Use 702
APPEARANCE see Personal Appearance 705
APPLICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT see Employment Applications 208
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY see Attendance and Punctuality 704
AUTOMOBILES see Use of Equipment and Vehicles 508
BENEFITS see Employee Benefits 301
BENEFITS CONTINUATION (COBRA) see Benefits Continuation (COBRA) 313
BREAKS see Rest and Meal Periods 506
BRIBES see Conflicts of Interest 108
BUSINESS ETHICS AND CONDUCT see Business Ethics and Conduct 104
BUSINESS TRAVEL EXPENSES see Business Travel Expenses 512
CARS see Use of Equipment and Vehicles 508
CASUAL EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
CELL PHONE USAGE see Cell Phone Usage 526
CELLULAR TELEPHONES see Cell Phone Usage 526
CLOSING, EMERGENCY see Emergency Closings 510
COBRA see Benefits Continuation (COBRA) 313
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGENT see Employee Relations 102
COMPANY PROPERTY see Use of Phone and Mail Systems 504
COMPANY PROPERTY see Use of Equipment and Vehicles 508
COMPANY PROPERTY see Return of Property 706
COMPENSATION see Salary Administration 212
COMPLAINT PROCEDURES see Problem Resolution 718
COMPUTER AND EMAIL USAGE see Computer and Email Usage 516
COMPUTERS see Computer and Email Usage 516
CONDUCT see Business Ethics and Conduct 104
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST see Conflicts of Interest 108
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS see Benefits Continuation (COBRA) 313
COPYRIGHT LAW see Computer and Email Usage 516
CORRECTIVE ACTIONS see Progressive Discipline 716
COURT APPEARANCE see Jury Duty 311
CREDIT REPORTS see Employment Applications 208
CUSTOMER RELATIONS see Customer Relations 060
CUSTOMER SERVICE see Customer Relations 060
DEDUCTIONS FROM PAY see Pay Deductions and Setoffs 410
DINNER BREAKS see Rest and Meal Periods 506
DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION see Disability Accommodation 114
DISASTERS see Emergency Closings 510
DISCHARGE OF EMPLOYEE see Employment Termination 405
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES see Progressive Discipline 716
DISCIPLINE see Employee Conduct and Work Rules 701
DISCIPLINE see Progressive Discipline 716
DISCRIMINATION see Equal Employment Opportunity 103
DISCRIMINATION see Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment 703
DISPUTE RESOLUTION see Problem Resolution 718
DRESS CODE see Personal Appearance 705
DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE see Drug and Alcohol Use 702
DRUG TESTING see Drug Testing 714
EEO see Equal Employment Opportunity 103
E-MAIL see Computer and Email Usage 516
EMERGENCY CLOSINGS see Emergency Closings 510
EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM see Employee Acknowledgement Form 051
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS see Employee Benefits 301
EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND WORK RULES see Employee Conduct and Work Rules 701
EMPLOYEE INFORMATION see Personnel Data Changes 204
EMPLOYEE MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS see Employee Medical Examinations 106
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS see Employee Relations 102
EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES see Employee Relations 102
EMPLOYEE TRAVEL see Business Travel Expenses 512
EMPLOYEE WARNINGS see Progressive Discipline 716
EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS see Employment Applications 208
EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES see Employment Categories 201
EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE CHECKS see Employment Reference Checks 203
EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION see Employment Termination 405
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Introductory Statement 040
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Employee Acknowledgement Form 051
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Employment Categories 201
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Introductory Period 205
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Employment Termination 405
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Employee Conduct and Work Rules 701
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL see Progressive Discipline 716
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY see Equal Employment Opportunity 103
EQUIPMENT see Use of Equipment and Vehicles 508
ETHICS see Business Ethics and Conduct 104
EVALUATION see Performance Evaluation 209
EXEMPT EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
EXPENSE REPORTS see Business Travel Expenses 512
EXPENSES, BUSINESS TRAVEL see Business Travel Expenses 512
FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT see Employment Applications 208
FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING see Work Schedules 502
FLEXTIME see Work Schedules 502
FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES see Problem Resolution 718
HARASSMENT see Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment 703
HEALTH AND SAFETY see Safety 501
HEALTH INSURANCE see Health Insurance 316
HOLIDAYS see Holidays 305
IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE see Immigration Law Compliance 107
INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSING see Emergency Closings 510
INITIAL EMPLOYMENT PERIOD see Introductory Period 205
INSURANCE, HEALTH see Health Insurance 316
INSURANCE, LIFE see Life Insurance 317
INSURANCE, WORKERS' COMP see Workers' Compensation Insurance 306
INTERNET USAGE see Internet Usage 517
INTRODUCTORY PERIOD see Introductory Period 205
INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT see Introductory Statement 040
INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION see Employment Termination 405
IRCA see Immigration Law Compliance 107
JOB APPLICATIONS see Employment Applications 208
JOB DESCRIPTIONS see Job Descriptions 210
JOB REFERENCES see Employment Reference Checks 203
JURY DUTY see Jury Duty 311
KICKBACKS see Conflicts of Interest 108
LATENESS see Attendance and Punctuality 704
LAYOFF see Employment Termination 405
LICENSURE see Licensure 280
LIFE INSURANCE see Life Insurance 317
LUNCH BREAKS see Rest and Meal Periods 506
MAIL, PERSONAL USE OF see Use of Phone and Mail Systems 504
MATERNITY LEAVE see Pregnancy-Related Absences 607
MEAL PERIODS see Rest and Meal Periods 506
MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS see Employee Medical Examinations 106
MEDICAL INSURANCE see Health Insurance 316
MILITARY LEAVE see Military Leave 605
MISCONDUCT see Employee Conduct and Work Rules 701
MISSION STATEMENT see Mission Statement 080
MONITORING, COMPUTER see Computer and Email Usage 516
MONITORING, WORKPLACE see Workplace Monitoring 518
MOONLIGHTING see Outside Employment 110
NETIQUETTE see Internet Usage 517
NO SMOKING AREAS see Smoking 505
NONEXEMPT EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
OFFICE PHONE AND MAIL SYSTEMS see Use of Phone and Mail Systems 504
OPEN DOOR POLICY see Problem Resolution 718
ORIENTATION PERIOD see Introductory Period 205
OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT see Outside Employment 110
OVERTIME see Overtime 507
PAID TIME OFF see Holidays 305
PAID TIME OFF see Paid Time Off (PTO) 315
PAID TIME OFF (PTO) see Paid Time Off (PTO) 315
PART-TIME EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
PAY ADVANCES see Pay Advances 408
PAY CHECK ERRORS see Administrative Pay Corrections 409
PAY CHECKS see Paydays 403
PAY CORRECTIONS see Administrative Pay Corrections 409
PAY DEDUCTIONS AND SETOFFS see Pay Deductions and Setoffs 410
PAY PERIODS see Paydays 403
PAY PRACTICES see Salary Administration 212
PAYDAYS see Paydays 403
PAYROLL see Timekeeping 401
PER DIEM EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION see Performance Evaluation 209
PERFORMANCE REVIEW see Performance Evaluation 209
PERSONAL APPEARANCE see Personal Appearance 705
PERSONAL CONDUCT see Employee Conduct and Work Rules 701
PERSONAL USE OF OFFICE PHONE AND MAIL see Use of Phone and Mail Systems 504
PERSONNEL DATA CHANGES see Personnel Data Changes 204
PHYSICALS see Employee Medical Examinations 106
POSITION DESCRIPTIONS see Job Descriptions 210
PREGNANCY see Pregnancy-Related Absences 607
PREGNANCY-RELATED ABSENCES see Pregnancy-Related Absences 607
PRIVACY see Workplace Monitoring 518
PROBATIONARY PERIOD see Introductory Period 205
PROBLEM RESOLUTION see Problem Resolution 718
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE see Progressive Discipline 716
PROPERTY see Return of Property 706
PTO see Paid Time Off (PTO) 315
PUBLIC CONTACT see Customer Relations 060
REFERENCE CHECKS see Employment Reference Checks 203
REGULAR EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
REIMBURSEMENTS see Business Travel Expenses 512
RESERVE DUTY see Military Leave 605
RESIGNATION see Employment Termination 405
RESIGNATION see Resignation 708
REST AND MEAL PERIODS see Rest and Meal Periods 506
RETIREMENT see Employment Termination 405
RETIREMENT PLAN see 401(k) Savings Plan 320
RETURN OF PROPERTY see Return of Property 706
REVIEW, EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE see Performance Evaluation 209
RULES OF CONDUCT see Employee Conduct and Work Rules 701
SAFETY see Safety 501
SAFETY see Workplace Violence Prevention 522
SALARIES see Salary Administration 212
SALARY ADMINISTRATION see Salary Administration 212
SAVINGS PLAN see 401(k) Savings Plan 320
SERVICE see Customer Relations 060
SEXUAL AND OTHER UNLAWFUL HARASSMENT see Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment 703
SMOKING see Smoking 505
SOFTWARE see Computer and Email Usage 516
SURVEILLANCE, VIDEO see Workplace Monitoring 518
SUSPENSIONS see Progressive Discipline 716
TARDINESS see Attendance and Punctuality 704
TELEPHONE, PERSONAL USE OF see Use of Phone and Mail Systems 504
TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES see Employment Categories 201
TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT see Employment Termination 405
THREATS see Workplace Violence Prevention 522
TIME CARDS see Timekeeping 401
TIME OFF see Paid Time Off (PTO) 315
TIMEKEEPING see Timekeeping 401
TITLE PAGE see Title Page 010
TOOL LIST - ELECTRICIAN see Tool List - Electrician 581
TOOL LIST - PLUMBER see Tool List - Plumber 582
TOOL LIST - SHEET METAL WORKER see Tool List - Sheet Metal Worker 583
TOOL POLICY see Tool Policy 580
TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS see Business Travel Expenses 512
TRAVEL, BUSINESS see Business Travel Expenses 512
USE OF EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES see Use of Equipment and Vehicles 508
USE OF PHONE AND MAIL SYSTEMS see Use of Phone and Mail Systems 504
USERRA see Military Leave 605
VEHICLES see Use of Equipment and Vehicles 508
VIOLENCE see Workplace Violence Prevention 522
VIRUS PROTECTION see Internet Usage 517
VOLUNTARY TERMINATION see Employment Termination 405
WAGES see Salary Administration 212
WARNINGS see Progressive Discipline 716
WEATHER-RELATED CLOSING see Emergency Closings 510
WEB SITE see Internet Usage 517
WORK SCHEDULES see Work Schedules 502
WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE see Workers' Compensation Insurance 306
WORKPLACE MONITORING see Workplace Monitoring 518
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION see Workplace Violence Prevention 522
WORLD WIDE WEB see Internet Usage 517